The Spanish Travelers Project
at Marquette University

Initial Members
The Spanish Travelers Project, originally called Time, Routes, and Places of Nineteenth-Century Travelers, was initiated with the support from Marquette University Helen Way Klingler College of Arts and Sciences. The project began in 2011 with the collaboration of Dr. Eugenia Afinoguénova, Associate Professor of Spanish (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures), Aishah Al-Fadhalah, B.A. candidate, double major in Speech Pathology and Spanish (Class of 2013), James Bauer, B.S. candidate, Biomedical Sciences major, Spanish for the Health Professions minor (Class of 2013), Dr. Praveen Madiraju, Associate Professor of Computer Science (Department of Math, Statistics, and Computer Science), and Sapna Sumanth, M.S. candidate in Computer and Information Science (Department of Math, Statistics, and Computer Science).
In 2011-14, the contributions from the data-mining Volunteers allowed the project to come alive. The volunteers were asked to choose, read, and data-mine a novel from the Bibliography page provided on this website. The data-mining volunteers are:
Ken Mendelson
Mikail Dance
Amanda Dummer
Leah Hornig
Tessa Kasmar
Maggie Czerwien
Julia Vunderink
Ellen Amodei
Joshua Dill
Richard Henricksen
Gokulananda Nandan
Isabel Gonzalez
Alexandira Alvarez
Emilio Pena
Special Thanks
We thank the Project's Contributor José Ruiz Mas for providing invaluable data from a number of travel books.
Special thanks for supporting the project by spreading the word about it go to Sasha Pack, Miriam López-Burgos, Rebecca Haidt, Mario Santana, Kata Beilin, and David Rodríguez-Solás.